06 March 2007

Quick update

For those of you who check the blog regularly (like Dad and Robyn and Patsy), here's the quick update from the end of the moving day. While there's still more to complain about our hated moving company, things seem to have arrived in quite good shape. We have rooms piled with boxes that aren't mouldy or vermin-filled or crushed flat. The kids are asleep on their own beds for the first time in three months. I'm typing from my own desk, sitting in my own chair, in a room filled with my own books (still boxed up, but here at last). There will be pictures to follow tomorrow, but for those of you who awake hours before it's day here, you should just know that all is well in a box-filled cottage by the sea.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've never been so excited by boxes! Sooo very pleased about the lack of vermin! Was that really a possibility? Yuk! That bloomin' canoe has been all over the globe. Heaven knows what exotic cargo was on board! 'At one and up close with all sentient beings' this gal is not! But hey, you're the 'nature babe'!