On the eve of their departure
My dear friends are heading back to the
For Becky
I love you because you laugh like a sailor with a deep belly laugh that suggests whiskey-filled smoky rooms and the click of poker chips but you have the face of an angel. I love you because you are sunshine and then storm and then bright sun again like the
For David
I love you because you love the orange striped chair so much. I love you because of the way you love Becky, your eyes on her happiness as much as your own. I love you because you’re are a silly racing running little boy, and then you bubble up with warmth and affection and delight. I love the way you love to weed the garden and point out birds to your dad. I love the way you bring love to everything you do.
For Abby
I love you for your singing bright beauty. For your straightforward honesty that is so much like your mom’s. I love you for the freckles across your nose and your dramatic poses. I love you when you’re totally un-self-conscious, and when you’re totally self-conscious. I love the way you tell stories and write plays and make up dances. I love the fast-talking
For Jim
I love the way you tease yourself as much as you tease others. I love your easy-going, go-with-the-flow nature. I love your passions: for your photographs, your birds, your school—and most of all for your family. I love the quiet intensity of you studying rugby moves to learn all the rules and strategies just through watching. I love your devotion to helping us out and the way you seem to get actual joy from making our lives better. I love the way you face your life so openly and curiously, with your defenses down and your warmth reaching forward. I have loved having you as my work buddy and watching you unfold as a researcher.
For Carolyn
I love the way you can tell me what’s going on for you—whether you’re sad or mad or overcome with joy—and we both know that it will all be ok. I love that I love that you and I are so aligned in doing things for one another that we can ask and ask for favors and never feel guilty about it. I love the way you made beds in order to sell my house and made financial models to see if we should take the offer. I love watching you get grounded here and delight the folks in
Your family has become my family in these months. Who knew I could love you so much in such a short time. I hope your
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