Here, of course, they don’t understand heat. It is as if the entire country, hearing that it was a
The other night, I got home from work, smiled at the family and rushed to change out of damp work clothes and into the layers of at-home clothes it takes to sustain my body temperature in this weather. Long johns followed by a cotton layer followed by one layer of wool and another and another—as many as I can get on my body. I headed out, Michelin-man-like, to the dining room table and sat down to eat dinner.
And then the full impact of the day’s change came upon me. It was Heat Pump Day, the day when our house was transformed by a little plastic box which breathed out blissfully warm air. At the table, I shed layer after layer until I ate my clothes in what might be considered “inside-clothes,” and I didn’t even have the urge to put on a coat.
To say the heat pump has transformed our lives sounds hysterical or overwrought somehow, and yet it is realistically my experience of the change. For two months I have gone around wearing as many clothes as I could at once, having fingers too chilly to type accurately, praying for sun—the only heat source we had. I dreaded the grey days, the coming of evening. My shoulders hunched up against my ears and my muscles tightened in response to the constant chill. (On the plus side, I did work out every single day—exercise being my only door into feeling warm, even sweating!)
Now, after we put the kids to bed, Michael and I sit on our couch rather than retreating into a small and heatable room. People walk into the house and say, “Ah, it feels good in here!” as though the inside actually offers shelter from the outside. Naomi takes off her down coat during dinner. And we’re just generally nicer to each other. Warmer, even.
The woodstove was supposed to come this week too, and it didn’t. Did I fly into icy rage, though? No. I smiled (warmly) and said that it would be ok if they came next week. And I cuddled up to the heatpump and knew that all would be right with the world.
(pictures today have nothing to do with heat. The first two are of the mobile Dad and Jamie gave me my first Christmas in
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