We're more than a week in to our US trip. The Maryland time was a whirlwind--staying with Michael's sister and her family, then to my mother's place and time with her (and a slick new haircut for Naomi). There was a fast trip for me to NYC to do a piece of work I really liked with people I really liked, and then an airplane down to Georgia to spend time with my father and stepmom.
We have been surrounded by people we love and we have missed we have seen cousins growing up--and even seen animals at the zoo who are growing up. We are connecting with the lives we used to have--driving through our old neighbourhood in DC, past our old house in Georgia, re-living old lives, re-hugging old friends, re-telling stories of our life in New Zealand.
All of this both brings back memories of what we used to have--and also brings up memories of imagined futures we never had. Once I thought I'd spend my life in Augusta; once I thought I'd spend my life in DC. Now I'm not sure where I'll spend my life, but neither DC nor Augusta seem to be all that likely. And so we give long hugs, listen urgently, try to soak in as much of this life as we can. We soak in and in and in, basking in the hot summer sun here, so that we can be full of these people and these places in our lovely, wintery home.
Ahhh you can leave New Zealand but you cannot stop being Kiwi. That anteater hiding behind AJ (is that photo taken at the Smithsonian?) looks like it is doing kiwi impersonations!
Naomi, you look FABULOUS with your new cut.
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