15 September 2007

Not writing

I’m actually stressed. And not just a little stressed, but a lot stressed. This is what my body used to feel like much more often. I remember it and I don’t like it.

I had a major tenure deadline yesterday (well, actually the deadline hit NZ 34 minutes ago, but I sent it several hours early at 1am NZ time). And, while I was putting the final polish on the documents, a plague came unto our house (in the week from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur—that can’t be good luck) and Michael and Naomi spent the entire night throwing up. So, if it’s been quiet on the blog from me this week, you’ll know it’s the combination of tenure deadline, three days at NZCER this week, a two-day workshop I’m leading next week (with its own sad saga), and the plague.

I hope that you’re all well out there, and I’ll write more when the clouds have blown over.


Anonymous said...

Your bloggers are with you kid and we're sending our best wishes flying through cyberspace to chaperone your tenure bid.

A speedy recovery to Michael and Naomi. "Hello sweetie" to resilient Aidan.

If we don't hear from you before the forthcoming workshop, "happy gliding" with that. Take care and well done champ.

Anonymous said...

May I offer a contradictory interpretation of your experience? Often ‘purging’ is a GOOD thing that is necessary for and therefore precedes renewal. It is indeed a Day of Reckoning (or retch-oning!) which through its cleansing it prepares, revivifies and frees. It can be viewed as ‘An Accounting’ similar to the preparation of a tenure bid, which far from pronouncing Judgement is an offering of Readiness. Isn’t this proposal marking a readiness to reintegrate another 'former way' into the 'new land' of your being? Don’t we all feel much better after a good purge? – Even if your dear husband and daughter were carrying this symbolically for you…