I am on an early morning flight to
Last night was the first night of Hanukkah, our second first night of Hanukkah in
But after all we live by the sea and it’s December—summer time (?). I took the three kids (mine and Melissa’s) to the beach after school and watched as they rode their boogie boards, bobbed in the gentle waves, and built sand people on the shore. The sun was hot and the breeze was cool and, if I had counted I would have found at least 100 different blues in the water and the sky. I could feel my blood pressure lowering.
We ate dinner on the front porch, latkes and frittata with Melissa-made apple sauce. Rob made chocolate sorbet to go along with the peppermint ice cream he made the day before. We pulled out the two menorahs to light them—Naomi’s small one, which I carried in our luggage last year so that we could have Hanukkah even before our things arrived—and Michael’s big one, which I bought for him nearly 20 years ago and which we’ve lit every year since.
An aside about Michael’s menorah. Rob and I bought that menorah at the Rockville JCC in 1989 or so. I gave it to Michael for Christmas as an interfaith gesture while we were dating. Never did I imagine he’d light it every year for nearly twenty years, and even less did I imagine that he’d have me next to him as he was lighting it. When Rob and I went to buy it, I always pictured Michael lighting the menorah with his nice Jewish wife and surrounded by his nice Jewish kids (who in my visions always had wavy dark hair). Every year I get this sort of shock of surprise that the one he married was me and that it is my little blonde children who light this menorah eac
h year. Last year was our first since 1989 not lighting it because it was on the slow boat from the
And so it was an end of an era, all of us eating on the front porch in a summer December Hanukkah night, the three children and four adults finding our way through this new world. The adults are all American, half of us are Jews, all of us in love with this of coupons from Rob with promises of things like a piggy-back ride to school or a boogie-boarding session. For all of us from Melissa there was a song about friendship, written and performed for the occasion (and soon to be posted on the blog). We walked up the hill to the new house, and the kids flew their kites in the park. I suppose there’s no mistaking that it is a new era. We’ll need a new menorah for the next twenty years.
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