It has been one of those utterly full times--but full of laughter and delight. Carolyn and her family are fantastic additions to our life, and we spend time at her house and at ours. F came out and we ate at Carolyn's (to save our house, clean from a showing on Saturday, to be clean for the open house on Sunday). We sat in Carolyn's beautiful lounge and talked about life the universe and everything and watched the sun sink into the sea. The joy multiplied around me: here I was with these dear friends from such different parts of my life, all combining together. And here we were, in one of most beautiful spots in the world together. AND my house will be quite like this, magnificent views over after-dinner tea. These are all wonderful things.
So, the pictures today are from the Pacifika festival in Wellington on Saturday, where Carolyn and her family got to try the drums (and so did my kids), and the new house, inching towards greatness. (Note that the two pics of the inside of the house are taken of walls the same colour--one bathed in the light of the setting sun and the other a few minutes later with a flash. This is going to be one really fantastic place to live! Everyone wish for a buyer for the house we live in now!)
1 comment:
Hi Jennifer,
I'm Adisorn, a Thai guy whom you met during your visit in Thailand. You came to my house on Loy Krathong Day. Do you remember?
I will actually arrive in Wellington this Friday afternoon and stay with my friend in Mt.Cook until I find my own place to live.
How's your life and family?
I look forward to hearing from you soon. It'd be great if could meet up for coffee some time.
PS. My email address is adisornjuntrasook@gmail.com
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