Today was Perry’s first full day with us in his new life, and if it was any indication of the rest of his time here, he’s going to really love his
We went out to see the comet again tonight and walked farther up the beach. And, after sunset, there it was, higher than last night (as we expected) and magnificent—a slash of light traveling west across the horizon. Then, after the ooh-ing and ahh-ing, the walk back down the beach, where we stopped to talk to a friend who was fishing. Then, almost at the stairs to
0701/S00033.htm). Anyone with any wisdom about this subject is encouraged to let us know before we head out to see it tomorrow. And if, as we suspect, the first thing we saw wasn’t a comet, what was it, this slash of light in the twilight sky two days in a row? I feel like an ancient one, staring at the sky for omens. I wonder what omen I’m seeing…

1 comment:
I had a word with God and he said "Sorry, the first one was a match they dropped in the excitement, but the second one... had 'Garvey-Berger' on the Fex-Ex label." He also said to tell you that judging from the photos His pied-a-terre seems to be coming along beautifully. I told Him that if he wanted to keep using me as a middle-man I need new shoes... and one of those snazzy round things for my head. He hung up. Cheek!
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